1 Samuel
Dedicating Your Best - 1:11
Giving her son to the Lord marked a crossroad in Hannah's life. She could have continued weeping about her lot in life, failing to trust God with her circumstances. Instead, she chose to give up something that she had not yet received from the Lord. As a result of her faith, Hannah received a son who was destined to usher in a new, more God-fearing era in Israel's history.
What Has Happened? - 2:12-17
Many parents are so busy making a living that they spend little time in making a home. Many parents work 50-60 hours a week. Some parents must work two jobs to make ends meet. Many parents are active in their hobbies, their sports, or their clubs. Some may be so busy in their church. Nothing should keep us away from the time our children need us. Nothing should bless us more than our family. Parents must realize that the most important responsibility is to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord
Goodbye to Glory 1 Sam. 4:18-22
Gather The Stones 1 Sam. 7:12
We'll Work Till Jesus Comes! 1 Samuel 16:11
Go To Bethlehem- 16:1-13 The journey to Bethlehem really confronts us with the reality of the power of fear, and of anxiety, and of insecurity. Phillips Brooks wrote, "The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight." The question is, which is going to win? Which will ultimately prevail in your life -- the hopes or the fears? The journey moves forward in commitment and sacrifice.
David Verus Goliath --1 Samuel 17:32-49
Persecuted, Not Forsakened -- 1 Samuel 19:10-12
Playing The Fool -- 1 Samuel 26:21
Encourage Yourself -- 1 Samuel 30:6
Help For The Discouraged and Depressed -- 1 Samuel 38:3
2 Samuel
Doing Right The Wrong Way - 2 Samuel 6:2-8
When God Says No - 2 Samuel 7
When Christians Sin! - 2 Samuel 11:1
When Life Is So Good - 2 Samuel 11:1-2
Using Your Failure - 2 Samuel 11:27
Whatever Happened To Sin - 2 Samuel 12:1-14
What To Do When Creek Dries Up!- 17:5 God is letting your creek run dry so you will have a testimony of His goodness. If you never have a creek that runs dry, then you will never realize what God has been doing for you all along.
Let The Fire Fall!- 18:36-39
When the fire falls, sin is judged. Sin is dealt with thoroughly and without compromise. All sins are dealt with -- not just the obvious sins of the flesh, but the subtle sins of the spirit are also judged. Masks of respectability are pulled off, pretense is stripped away, and the souls of men are laid bare before the gaze of an all-seeing, all-knowing God
Payday Someday - 21 By Dr. R. G. Lee
And the only way I know for any man or woman on earth to escape the sinner's payday on earth and the sinner's hell beyond -- making sure of the Christian's payday on earth and the Christian's heaven beyond the Christian's payday -- is through Christ Jesus, who took the sinner's place upon the Cross, becoming for all sinners all that God must judge, that sinners through faith in Christ Jesus might become all that God cannot judge. Pay Day Some Day!
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1 Kings
How Far Will You Go?- 2:9
The tragedy is that we have millions of American Christians serving in thousands of churches with little or no effect upon their community or their nation because they have never realized their need of a power beyond themselves for accomplishing God's work. One would think we would have learned better by now, for this was one of the first lessons God tried to teach mankind
Ready For The Blessings - 3:16-20
Get ready for a blessing when the preparation seems wasted and you are weary with your work. Stick in there! The blessing is about to be bestowed. Though your direction is not clearly visible, if God has led, you can step out on faith and expect the blessings of God to be upon you
Ditches In The Desert- 3:20
He says, "Dig trenches. Dig ditches and when it comes rushing down, it will run off into these ditches and into these reservoirs and be a blessing to you." If they had not dug the ditches, and had not prepared for the miraculous, all they would have seen was a torrent of water. Preparation for blessing is absolutely essential. The digging of ditches in our life is absolutely essential to prepare ourselves to receive the showers of blessing that God would bring to us.
Gather The Empty Vessels- 4:6
Gather together your empty vessels! Believe that this blessing is for you; then go to the worship service on the tiptoe of expectation. Prepare for the miracle of God's grace; that is your part. Get away from the mindset of the world and look to God for the blessing. Finally, the amount of blessing we receive depends entirely on ourselves. If the amount of blessing depended on God, there would literally been no end to it.
It is Well!- 4:26
Pastor, we should never forget that there is a battle in process right now for the hearts and minds of every child on earth including our own children. Satan would deceive and destroy them if given the remotest opportunity. I am also convinced that Satan will send his most skillful representatives to attack the pastor, his wife, and his children. He knows that if he can bring down the Christian home that we proclaim, that in the process he will damage and destroy the effectiveness of a ministry and the church to which the pastor has been called to serve and live.
2 Kings
Give God What You Have 2 Kings 4:1-7
7 Ducks in a Muddy Pond 2 Kings 5:1-14
Compelled to Tell 2 Kings 5:2-4
An Unexpected Witness 2 Kings 5:2-4
Unmasking An Evil Heart- 5:25-26
The respectable exterior was ripped off of Gehazi's heart, and the doom of leprosy on the outside would now proclaim the wickedness on the inside. Gehazi had provoked God too long, and now his wicked, sinful heart was laid open bare. Treachery had outdone itself. Covetousness had defeated its own selfish ends. Gehazi had committed spiritual suicide. (See James 1:15)
Regain The Sharpness - 6:1-7
This passage of Scripture illustrates how spiritual power can be lost, but it doesn't end there. It also tells us how spiritual power can be recovered. What about your life? Have you lost power? Is your testimony as fresh today as it was in the past? Are you a consistent witness for the Lord? Does your life exude the freshness of God's power? Have you lost the power?
A Horrible Sin of Christians 2 Kings 7:3-16
If Walls Could Talk! 2 Kings 20:1-6
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1 Chronicles
A Mother's Prayer- 2:9
Every child benefits from someone who believes in him, and the younger the child, the more important it is to have high expectations. You may not have an Einstein, but your child has great possibilities! Expect the best and chances are, that's exactly what you'll get. As parents, we often expect a lot out of our children, and indeed, the turnabout is often true as well. Our children expect a lot out of us! If we are going to pray with power we must expect God to hear and answer our prayers. We must expect great things.
2 Chronicles
Experiencing The Presence of God - 2 Chronicles 7:14
What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do - 2 Chronicles 20:12
Be An Encourager - 2 Chron. 35:2
Back To Work- 4:15
These words seem very simple, but there is something very heroic about that statement. This was to be the business of rebuilding those ruined walls. The difficulties were increased by the fact that there were enemies on every hand, watching the builders with intense hatred. The work of building was in a stage which is often the most difficult stage of all.
Discipline of Danger Nehemiah 6:11
Could Be Worse- 8:10
When you say, "Could be worse," you are humbly recognizing that God is in control of the world. What you are really saying is, "Could be worse, but it isn't." This makes us grateful to the God who has given us all good and perfect gifts, and this leads to rejoicing. When you say, "Could be better, "you're complaining against God, and complaining leads to bitterness and rebellion.
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Survival Secrets - Job 1:1-12
Serving God- 1:9
As we grow older in years and in Christian maturity, we recognize that the motivation to serve must be deeper if our service is to be rendered consistently. The Christian life must become the life of love.