Jesus Is Lord!
Jesus Is Lord!
Acts 2: 33-36
This is the proclamation that the Apostle Peter made on the day of Pentecost.
The crowd inquired as to the meaning.
And Peter says that they had been witnesses to the fulfillment of prophecy.
He described the great and wondrous procession of events, all massed within one
high period of time when Jesus came.
Jesus was sinless.
He died and was risen, ascended to Heaven, and coming again.
Peter is saying, "You're just now seeing the proof of what David had predicted would happen."
Then he quotes Psalm 110, in which God says to David's Lord, "Sit at my right hand
until I make you ruler over all, till I make your enemies your footstool."
Peter says that this has now happened.
Psalm 110 was used frequently in the New Testament to support the claims of Jesus' Lordship.
On this great day of Pentecost, Peter used this Psalm to prove that Jesus by His resurrection
and exaltation was Lord and Christ.
For God alone has power over life and death.
Peter closed his message with the declaration that the crucified, now risen, Jesus,
is Lord and Christ. (2:36)
The promise to David that one of his descendants would be set upon his throne
has been accomplished! (2:30)
This has now happened!
This is the proof -- Jesus of Nazareth is Lord and Christ.
He is Lord!
He is Ruler of all things.
He is King over all.
There is no authority or power that exists that does not take its direction
and its limitation from Him.
Jesus Christ is Lord!
Whether men know it or not -- Jesus Christ is Lord!
The very forces that control our lives are dependent upon Him.
There is no way to avoid Him.
The whole world will have to deal with Jesus Christ.
There is no option!
He is Lord -- the Sovereign One -- He is supreme.
Simon Peter says, "God hath made Him, this Jesus, both Lord and Christ."
That is the Christian message to the world.
That is our message to the world today.
That is the all-inclusive witness of the Spirit.
That is the real proclamation of Pentecost.
Jesus is Lord!
The Lordship of Christ is a personal discovery of such magnitude that no part of the life
of the discoverer can ever be the same.
The disciples were always finding new expressions of His Lordship.
They watched Him turn water into wine, and the Scriptures relate
that He "... manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him." (John 2: 11)
Every time Jesus manifested His Lordship, it must have been like coming to know
Him all over again.
They forgot quickly, but continued to forge a chain of evidence, link by link, around His Lordship.
He proved Himself Lord over the elements as He rebuked the wind.
He demonstrated His Lordship over death as He called the dead back to life.
He asserted His Lordship over disease as He healed all sorts of human maladies.
He proved Himself "mighty in battle" as He met the highest motivations
Satan had to offer in the "lust of the flesh, ... of the eyes, and the pride of life,"
and soundly defeated the Subtle Saboteur.
He exhibited His Lordship over human scorn and hate, and submitted to the cross
with a love that only God could know as He said, "Father forgive them,
for they know not what they do."
Then, came the greatest test of all.
Buried in the grave for three days -- He arose!
He proved -- He is Lord over death!
"Death could not keep its prey,
Jesus, my Saviour;
He tore the bars away,
Jesus, my Lord!"
Jesus is Lord!
He is Lord of time and eternity!
He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
He is Lord of life, death, and judgment.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." (John 14: 6)
Jesus said, "I am the resurrection, and the life..." (John 11: 25)
Jesus also said, "I have the keys of hell and of death." (Revelation 1: 8)
Jesus is the Lord of history -- past, present and future.
Angels have announced Him as Lord.
Men have crowned Him as Lord.
God has declared Him to be Lord.
If people everywhere could grasp this colossal fact in only a fraction of its glory,
there would be shouting in the streets.
Jesus is Lord!
This fact changes everything -- even the meaning of the past, present, and the future.
It changes the meaning of current events.
It dissolves the reasons for our greatest concerns.
It causes hope to burn brightly in every heart.
Jesus is Lord!
Let the nation believe it and it will find a new soul.
Let the church discover it and there will be kindled a new fire.
Let the individual believe it and he will have a new life.
His Lordship is not untried.
It has been challenged often and never defeated.
It is not delicate -- it is not wavering.
It has withstood the worst hell has to offer and stands firmer than ever.
The throne often attacked can never be toppled.
It's still stands in awesome power.
It is a fact that every knee will bow and every tongue will boldly declare that Jesus is Lord!
This is not a guess, but a fact of prophecy, which makes it as certain
as if it had already happened.
Jesus is Lord!
- Say it in times of joy, "Jesus is Lord!"
Lest we be sidetracked with lesser joys, preoccupied with lesser gladness,
caught up more with the blessing than the Blesser, acknowledge Him as Lord.
- Say it in times of sadness, "Jesus is Lord!"
These times are but for a moment.
Joy comes in the morning.
Trouble is temporary, but Jesus is Lord forever.
Let it ring in times of distress, "Jesus is Lord!"
- Say it in times of bereavement, "Jesus is Lord!"
When death has stolen our very dearest from our homes,
and our hearts are lonely and crushed -- what a glorious fact -- Jesus is Lord!
- Say it in times of stress, "Jesus is Lord!"
Who is He? He is the Lord!
Where is He? He is indwelling His own!
Can there be any stress from the outside that is greater than He who is inside?
No! "Greater is He that is in you, than..." (1 John 4: 4)
- Say it in times of success, "Jesus is Lord!"
As human applause rings in our ears, and as men would lift you up to Heaven and crown you
-- refuse it -- hand the crown to Jesus -- it is His.
The Lord our God is one God.
His glory He will not give to another.
Jesus is Lord!
- Say it in times of decision, "Jesus is Lord!"
These decisions are not yours to make because your life is not yours.
It is His and only His.
He is the way; walk in Him.
He is the truth; believe Him.
He is the life; may He live that life in your body.
We owe Him everything.
We owe Him our blind obedience.
He is Lord of all decisions.
- Say it in times of loneliness, "Jesus is Lord!"
Is the family gone?
Have friends forsaken you?
You may be lonely, but you are not alone.
"My Lord is near me all the time."
"He will never leave me or forsake me."
"If He is for us, who can be against us?"
- Say it in times of confusion, "Jesus is Lord!"
You have lost your way.
You have no idea what is important and what is not.
You don't understand anymore.
You cannot feel anything.
You are bothered, baffled, and bewildered.
Shout it, "Jesus is Lord!"
- Say it in times of crushing guilt, "Jesus is Lord!"
Have you been brought low in sorrow and despair?
Are you dejected and disgusted?
Have you failed and failed again?
Hear the words, and say them again, "Jesus is Lord!"
- Say it in times of overwhelming challenge, "Jesus is Lord!"
Is the task too great?
Is the strength demanded too much?
Is there no logical way it can be done?
Is the risk too risky?
Is the challenge too challenging?
Jesus is Lord!
"Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,
... for your labor is not in vain." (1 Corinthians 15:58)
- Say it in times of family trouble, "Jesus is Lord!"
Disharmony reigns.
Misunderstanding prevails.
Tempers flare.
Communication is lost.
Stalemates, deadlocks and detours block the way.
Gloom settles.
Positions are taken and battle lines are drawn.
Hope fades.
Panic threatens.
Listen! Jesus is Lord!
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (2 Corinthians 3: 17)
- Say it when death threatens, "Jesus is Lord!"
The doctor says that it is just a matter of time.
The heart misses a beat.
The blood slows.
The chest rattles.
The body cools, and death comes near.
You need not do under death.
You can go over it.
"For you are more than conqueror through Him that loved you,
and nothing shall separate you from the love of Christ."
Remember the promise, "And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die."
(John 11:26)
Say with Paul, "There is no sting in death and the grave has no victory over me!
Thanks be unto God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
(1 Corinthians 15: 55, 57)
- Say it, when the last trumpet sounds, "Jesus is Lord!"
There is a shout from heaven and a trumpet sounds, and time shall be no more -- Jesus is Lord!
Accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and God's plan will be perfected in your life.
Accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and God's purposes will be carried out in your life.
Accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and God's power will be manifested in your life.
Jesus must be Lord of your life -- your business, your home,
your pleasures, and of all your relationships.
- Say this very moment: "Lord Jesus, I deeply desire that you be Lord of my life.
Do with me as You will, where You will, and when You will."
"All hail the power of Jesus' name!
Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all!
Let every kindred, every tribe,
On this terrestrial ball
To Him all majesty ascribe,
And crown Him Lord of all!"
Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White