"The Lord is my shepherd" (v.1) is Jehovah Rohi.
God leads us like a shepherd leads his sheep.
We are His sheep.
"I shall not want," (v.1) relates to Jehovah Jireh.
Jehovah Jireh means, "The Lord will provide."
Spiritually, God gives us everything we need.
Everything we have has come from God.
"He leadeth me beside still waters," (v.2) relates to Jehovah Shalom.
Jehovah Shalom means, "The Lord sends peace."
Being in the right relationship with God gives us peace.
It is a peace that passes all understanding.
He can still the storms of our life and can still the roaring waves.
"He restoreth my soul" (v.3) is related to Jehovah Rophi.
Jehovah Rophi means, "The Lord that healeth."
Reading from His Word, and going to Him in prayer refreshes my spirit.
He lifts me up when I am hurting.
He heals my wounds.
"He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness." (Verse 3) relates to with Jehovah Tsidkenu.
Jehovah Tsidkenu means, "The Lord our righteousness."
When we follow God and obey His laws, we are walking in the paths of righteousness.
We will be righteous because He makes us righteous.
"For thou art with me" (v.4) is related to Jehovah Shammah.
Jehovah Shammah means, "The Lord is there."
We can make it through the rough times of life because we know that God is with us.
We are never alone -- God is always with us!
"In the presence of mine enemies," (v.5) relates to Jehovah Nissi.
Jehovah Nissi means, "The Lord my banner."
We know we can overcome all spiritual enemies because we march under the banner of our almighty God.
He is our protection.
God weaves His great truths throughout His Holy Word.
Feed upon it and learn of the wisdom of God.
The Lord is my Shepherd and He is all I need.
Sermon adapted -- Source Unknown