Romans 8:1-4
In Romans 5:15 and following Paul refers to two men.
He refers to the first Adam and to the second Adam, which is Christ.
We also see two acts: obedience and disobedience.
There are two results:
Jesus was the last Adam.
He had entered history.
He faced the same choice as the first Adam and He obeyed.
Where the first Adam disobeyed, He obeyed.
Therefore, He was the perfect offering for man’s sin.
So the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death.
In other words, salvation belongs to those who are in Christ Jesus.
Those who are in Christ are vitally united to Him by faith.
We, who are in Christ, have His great salvation and are delivered from the condemnation
and the bondage of sin.
The transference from the old life to the new life can take place only in Christ.
All who belonged to Him by faith have passed through death and resurrection in Christ,
and are truly alive to God.
Christians share the death and resurrection of Christ and pass in Him into the age to come.
This observation is of fundamental importance.
Paul did not say that Christians are free from condemnation because they are sinless.
He said they are free from condemnation because they are "in Christ."
Believers in Christ Jesus do sin.
Our sins are noticed by God and He is displeased with them.
Sometimes ,God chides us and He will correct us for our sins.
When we sin, God does not treat us as criminals.
God deals with us as children.
There is no sentence of condemnation against those who are in Christ Jesus.
Christians are exposed to suffering.
But when a Christian is corrected by God that chastisement is paternal.
So, it may be said with reference to all who are in Christ that all things work for their good.
There is no sentence of condemnation against those who are Christians.
So, all who are in Christ are not just reprieved, but pardoned.
And that pardon is full and complete.
Suppose you wish to save a criminal who is under a sentence of death.
What must you do for him?
First, you must get a pardon of his sentence.
Next, you must restore him to his family and society.
The one who receives Jesus Christ as his Saviour is pardoned.
By the grace of God he is brought into a new position of righteous living.
All that God has is his through Jesus.
God has justified us in Christ, and he that is justified by God cannot be condemned.
He who is in Christ has a right to all of Christ: His life, freedom, victory, etc.
In Romans 8:2 we come to the place where the Holy Spirit of God enters into this discussion.
It is no accident that with His appearance on the scene there is no further talk of defeat.
This eighth chapter of Romans is a spiritual palace.
We,as Christians, often think ourselves as peasants, when we are really royalty.
We dwell in our spiritual huts when God has built a palace for us.
This eighth chapter is the spiritual palace in which God would have us dwell.
We should dwell in the eighth chapter where we are:
Sermon By Dr. Harold L. White