Walking with God
Genesis 5:24
Man was created to walk and talk with God his creator.
Man finds his highest possible happiness and his most satisfying sense of achievement as he walks
through life and beyond this life in fellowship with his Maker and Redeemer.
Not only did Enoch live the happy life of walking with God, but even during his lifetime God testified
to his mind and heart that his life was well pleasing to God. (Hebrews 11:5)
Throughout the Bible we are encouraged to walk and talk with our God.
Noah walked with God. (Genesis 6:9)
Abraham was instructed by God to " walk before me and be thou perfect." (Genesis 17: 1)
God promise to walk among his people: " And I will walk among you, and will be your God,
ye shall be my people." (Leviticus 26:12)
Paul challenged the Roman Christians to " walk in newness of life." (Romans 6:4)
To the Colossians, Paul said, " Walk worthy of the Lord." (colossians 1: 10)
One of the most inspiring thoughts to be found in all of God's Word is a truth that man was made
to walk and talk with God.
" It is better to walk in the dark with God,
Than walk alone in the light.
It is better to walk with Him by faith,
Than walk alone by sight."
The Beginning of Enoch's Walk with God
The Scriptures state: " And Enoch lived 60 and five years, and begat Methuselah,
and Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah 300 years, and begat sons and daughters."
(Genesis 5:21, 22)
It is a significant and happy hour when a home is blessed with a gift from heaven in the form of a child.
It is both normal and appropriate that parents should give serious thoughts to the way they live
as they face the responsibility of teaching and inspiring a child.
Seemingly, the birth date of his first child was also the beginning of a wonderful relationship
and fellowship with God as far as Enoch was concerned.
We should be careful not to lead little feet astray.
The best insurance that they can have against doing so is to begin walking with God, day by day,
if they haven't already done so.
Some do not begin to walk with God until after they have fallen deep into sin, and realize that
they are wrecking their lives by walking in their own ways.
The way away from God is always downward and leads to disappointment and to destruction.
If you are conscious of guilt and failure, and if life has lost its happiness,
you should return to God in repentance and faith.
Those who recognize their need to walk with God only when they see the emptiness
and the barrenness of life apart from Him.
And also when they hear the inner cry of their soul and cannot be satisfied with what the world has to give.
Some resume their walk with God only when some tragedy comes to strike fear to their hearts
and causes them to think upon their ways.
There are those who began the delightful experience of walking with God when the road
of their life crosses the path of some genuine Christian whose life has a glow and a glory about it
that causes them to hunger and thirst to such an extent that they seek the Lord Jesus Christ.
Some hear the calls of God to add an exciting and satisfying walk as they read the pages of God's Word.
In one way or another the invitation comes, " He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."
Everyone is invited to walk through life with God.
" It is better to walk in the dark with God,
Than walk alone in the light.
It is better to walk with Him by faith,
Than walk alone by sight.
The Continuation of Enoch's Walk with God (Genesis 5:22)
Enoch's companionship with God was not spasmodic.
Stops and starts do not describe Enoch's walk with God.
He not only made a wise beginning, but he also followed through.
In the good days and in the bad days, he walked with God.
In joy and in sadness, he walked with God.
In cheerful days and days of discouragement, he walked with God
In days of prosperity and in days of depression, he walked with God.
In days of ease and days of hardship, he walked with God.
It wasn't easy.
It never is.
It was a day in which the wickedness of man was so great that it grieved the heart of God.
Lust was made the basis for marriage, and violence was prevalent among men.
Yet, Enoch walked with God.
Compromise was the order of the day, yet in this corrupt, wicked, crooked society,
Enoch continued to walked with God.
Enoch was able to walk with God because he had put his faith in God and found God
to be trustworthy and faithful.
He was a friend of God, and God was his friend.
There is nothing in the Scriptures that would imply that Enoch did not walk with God.
He was not a hermit who retired to a place of seclusion.
So Christians can walk with God and talk with God in this age in which we live,
if we really want to and are willing to become more loving and intimate with Him.
Every Christian can walk with God if he or she will place their total trust in Him.
" It is better to walk in the dark with God,
Than to walk alone in the light.
It is better to walk with Him by faith,
Than to walk alone by sight."
The Consummation of Enoch's Walk with God (Genesis 5:24)
In Genesis 5: 24 we read: " For Enoch walked with God; and he was not; for God took him."
The life of faith was crowned with glory by entrance into the life of perfect fellowship with God above.
In revelation 3: 4, the living Christ said, " They shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy."
The culmination of the holy walk here on earth is to walk right into heaven itself with God.
Heaven is where God is.
If you walked with God in the here and now, then the joy and peace of heaven will be yours forever.
As we walk with God, we walk in the heavenly places even now.
Heaven is but the continuation in a higher and richer form of the heavenly walk here upon earth.
If you are tired of walking in the ways of sin and rebellion and lowliness, and weakness and failure,
it is time for you to begin walking with God.
Put your hand in the nail-scarred hand, and give your heart to the Lord Jesus and walk through this life with God,
and then, one day you can walk to the curtain that some call death into the Father's heavenly home.
" It is better to walk in the dark with God,
Than walk alone in the light.
It is better to walk with Him by faith,
Than walk alone by sight."
Sermon adapted from several sources by Dr. Harold L. White